The price of Monstera Mint Tricolor before is P100,000 for only one leaf, now you can but 2 to 3 leaves for only P40,000. By the end of the year the price might drop to P5,000 to P10,000 for a plnat. To maintain a good variegaton you need to place the plant in a high humid and bright indirect sunlight. Use thermocote fertilizer as it is excellent for variegated plants. Thermocote is a temperature controlled release plant food specially formulated for variegated plants. It is released only when it’s optimal for plants to take in nutrients for fast growth & development. Thermocote helps keep plant variegation and may help bring back variegation of reverted plants. Here’s an example. My Florida Beauty sprouted a reverted leaf. Thankfully, variegation came back after use of Thermocote! Usage: 5grams for every liter of your favorite media. Apply once every 5 months. Recommendation: Put Thermocote in a basket or put on one side of the pot. Wet it when watering your plants. Use coco...