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White Knight Marble Variegated Plant Care and Price Update

The price of White Night Marble before was P12,000 for a matured form. Now, you can buy the plant for P2,000 to P3,000 pesos with 3 to 5 leaves. You can use plant spray to keep your plants healthy. GROW & GLOW Plant Spray - 2-in-1 Plant Shine and Pest Control Spray 500ml/ 250ml Now in New Biodegradable Spray Bottles-Protect your plants from pests-Encourage growth of lush leaves due to unobstructed stomata-Bring out the glow in leaves-Prevent fungal infection INFUSED WITH Neem Oil Extract, Organic Soap, Essential Oil VARIANTS TO CHOOSE FROM(Citronella, Peppermint and Unscented) UNSCENTED CITRONELLA – To drive away mosquitoes and other flying insects that hide in plantsPEPPERMINT - To deter insects, mice and pets from getting near your plants. HOW TO USE: Shake well (count 10 seconds) right before spraying. Spray on top and bottom of leaves to eradicate common pests. As plant shine, spray on top of leaves then wipe away gently with a clean soft cloth.Store at room temperature. For be...

Homalomena Thai Cons Care Tips and Price Update

Homalomena Thai Cons price before is P30,000 to P50,000 depending on the size. Now you can buy the plant from P5,000 to P8,000 pesos. It is good to use soil-less potting mix for Homalomea Thai COns. ALL PURPOSE SOIL-LESS POTTING MIX: WHY USE A GOOD QUALITY SOIL-LESS POTTING MIX? Healthy roots mean healthy plants. A good quality potting mix is crucial when growing plants in pots or containers. Ordinary soil- based potting mix tends to get compacted, thus leading to root rot which is oftentimes irreversible. Unhealthy roots also limit the plant’s ability to effectively absorb nutrients or fight infection or disease. In the end, investing in a good quality potting media is more economical. ALL-NATURAL AND HIGH QUALITY CONTENTS The potting media is coco peat-based, and is therefore light and soil-less. It contains only natural and organic ingredients which are safe for plants, humans and pets. Because it’s soil-less, it does not carry harmful pathogens that are typically present in most so...

Monstera Tricolor Mint Price and Care Tips

The price of Monstera Mint Tricolor before is P100,000 for only one leaf, now you can but 2 to 3 leaves for only P40,000. By the end of the year the price might drop to P5,000 to P10,000 for a plnat. To maintain a good variegaton you need to place the plant in a high humid and bright indirect sunlight. Use thermocote fertilizer as it is excellent for variegated plants.  Thermocote is a temperature controlled release plant food specially formulated for variegated plants. It is released only when it’s optimal for plants to take in nutrients for fast growth & development. Thermocote helps keep plant variegation and may help bring back variegation of reverted plants. Here’s an example. My Florida Beauty sprouted a reverted leaf. Thankfully, variegation came back after use of Thermocote! Usage: 5grams for every liter of your favorite media. Apply once every 5 months. Recommendation: Put Thermocote in a basket or put on one side of the pot. Wet it when watering your plants. Use coco...

Burle Marx Flame Matured Form Propagation Tips

One of the rarest monstera in the trade - Monstera Dilacerata / Burle Marx Flame / Bone Monstera is an extremely rare and highly sought after Monstera in the current rare plant market. The price range from P10,00 to P20,000 for the matured form.  Provide a plant pole to activate its aerial roots before cutting and propagating.Onnce the aerial roots are activated you can plant the cuttings directly to the soil (light mix). You can use Miracle-Gro plant food to nourish the plant. The Burle Marx Flame is a hybrid plant that was created by crossing the Monstera Dilacerata with the Philodendron Insulare. The Burle Marx Flame is named after the Brazilian artist and architect, Roberto Burle Marx. The plant is known for its beautiful leaves that have white markings on them. Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food Spikes, Includes 48 Spikes - Continuous Feeding for all Flowering and Foliage Houseplants - NPK 6-12-6, 1 Pack of 48 Spikes Miracle-Gro makes growing beautiful, vibrant houseplants easy wit...

Propagation Ball Best for Marcotting (Air Layering)

Propagation with Marcotting was made easy with a propagation ball. Before when I am propagating my plant I am just using cocopeat and used plastic bag. Now propagation can be more aesthetic with propagation ball whic is made of high-quality materials, durable and practical. I bought 10 pcs 5cm for only P145.00 and 10 pcs 8cm for P330.00. You can find it either in Shopee or Lazada. It can be used for indoor and outdoor plants (such as roses, climbers, trees, fruit trees, fruit trees) and plants that are difficult to root (such as magnolia and camellia). It will not harm the parent plant at all, because it only uses a small branch on the plant you want to clone, so there is almost no interference, nor will it interfere with the natural growth of the plant.

Variegated Philodendron Spiritus Sancti worth 5 Million?

Philodendron Spiritus Sancti is the most expensive plant i have known worth P2,000,000. That was three years ago and the price of the plant now dropped to P5,000 for a medium sized plant. How about the variegated version of the plant? Is it worth 5 Million peso? When yo have this kind of ultra rare plant you need to have a good potting mix with Mycorrhizae compost to go with your propagation. What is Mycorrhizae/Mycorrhiza: Mycorrhiza is a non-disease-producing association in which the fungus invades the root to absorb nutrients. Mycorrhizal fungi establish a mild form of parasitism that is mutualistic, meaning both the plant and the fungus benefit from the association. About 90 percent of land plants rely on mycorrhizal fungi, especially for mineral nutrients (i.e., phosphorus), and in return, the fungus receives nutrients formed by the plant. Photo credit: RL International You need Neem oil to protect the leaves of this expensive plant. Shopleaf's 100% Organic Neem Oil is all-na...

Ultra Rare Anthurium Foliage Price and Care Tips

In my experience as a rare plant collector,  Anthurium is one of the hardest plants to make thrive at least for some species. Anthurium dos not like direct exposure to sunlight and likes a humid environment. I have bought an imported Anthurium Forgetii from Thailand and until now I was not able to propagate since it rarely gave new leaf.  T here are known to be at least 1,000 described species of Anthurium. One of the easiest Anthrurium to take care of is the Anthurium Clarinervium. I bought my Clari back in 2021 for P3,500 and I already managed to propagate.  There are other Anthurium on my wish plant such as Veitchii, Crystallinum, Warocqueanum. Below are the most beautiful and rare Anthurium Foliage. You can use Plant Vertilizer to nourish the plant. HB-101 is an all-purpose natural plant vitalizer that is highly effective for use in growing all kinds of plants. All you have to do is to dilute HB-101 with water. It is easy to use, safe and harmless, which makes it...

Ultra Rare Philodendron Cherry Red Pink Variegation Price and Care Tips

How much is the ultra-rare plant Cherry Red with pink Variegation? Some sellers are posting the plant for P500,000 but I believed by the fourth quarter of the year the price will drop to P10,000 just like the Philodendron Variegated Billitiae. During propagation, you can use a soilless mix so the roots have more space to breathe. Shopleaf has a their very own mix of enriched indoor potting mix that they use in almost all the plants they sell. They have been developing this formula for the past three years and are proud to say that thay have perfected a balanced medium that suits almost every type of indoor plant. Sholeaf procured, curated & tested every raw material of this mix ourselves and there is no shortcuts in creating this premium mix. We guarantee your money's worth. Ingredients 1. Carbonized Rice Hull 2. Decomposed Rice Hull 3. Coco Coir 4. Pumice 5. Mycorrhizae compost 6. Aged Coco Peat 7. Neem Dust 8. High Grade Peat Moss 9. Perlite Product Highlights: Balance...

Variegated Fiddle Leaf Price Update and Care Tips

I have seen a lot of plant vloggers using this blue powdered-like plant food for their plants and their collections look healthier and lush. So I bought one from Shopee to apply for my variegated plants and it really works wonder for our plants. For almost a pinch, I mix it in about 3 liters of water so as not to overfeed the plants. The price of variegated Fiddle Leaf before is P20,000 for only 1 foot-sized plant. Now you can buy the same size for only P1,800 from local importers and it will be shipped from Thailand potted. Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food could be moist and damp after sometimes. Hence, it still serves its purpose as plant food. It is 100% Authentic from the USA. Miracle-Gro All Purpose instantly feeds to grow bigger, more beautiful plants versus unfed plants. Feed every 1-2 weeks Use with the Miracle-Gro Garden Feeder or any watering can. Miracle Gro all purpose plant food is water soluble Contains chelated iron and five other trace elements plus soil penetrant....

Repotting and Propagation of Begonia Iron Cross Mansoniana

If you are a new plant collector, Begonia is one of the hardest plant to grow since it easily melt and die if overwatered. Make sure you will use a light medium and well-aerated to make Begonia thrive. I used a mix of pumice, cocopeat and vermicast for my Begonias. Peat moss and Sphagnum moss are also good for Begonias. Vermicast 100% Natural Soil Conditioner w/ Macro-Micro Elements & Beneficial Micro Organism. Vermicast (also called worm castings, worm humus, worm manure, or worm faeces) is the end-product of the breakdown of organic matter by earthworms. These castings have been shown to contain reduced levels of contaminants and a higher saturation of nutrients than the organic materials before vermicomposting. Vermicast nutrient content varies with earthworm feed type, but feeding waste to earthworms does cause nitrogen mineralization, followed by phosphorous and sulphur mineralization after egestion. A typical nutrient analysis of casts is C:N ratio 12–15:1; 1.5%–2.5% N, 1.2...

Ficus Shivereana Moonshine Price Update and Care Tips

Ficus Shivereana Moonshine is one of the most beautiful varieties of rubber plants with its light green and yellow variegation. Plant version of a mojito cocktail. Refreshing lime green leaves with dark green freckles. You can protect your plants from insects, mice and pests by using Thieves or Neem Oil Plant Spray. Why use Plant Spray infused with Neem Oil Extract, Organic Soap, Essential Oil - Protects your plants from pests - Encourages growth of lush leaves due to unobstructed stomata - Brings out the glow in leaves - May prevent fungal infection CITRONELLA – To drive away mosquitoes and other flying insects that hide in plants PEPPERMINT - To deter insects, mice and pets from getting near your plants HOW TO USE:  Shake well (count 10 seconds) right before spraying. Spray on top and bottom of leaves to eradicate common pests. As plant shine, spray on top of leaves then wipe away gently with a clean soft cloth. Store at room temperature. For best results, consume within 6 month...

Golden Serratum Price Update and Care Tips

Philodendron Golden Serratum is one of the easiest Philodendrons to grow. I bought my two pots in early 2022 for P1,800 each and managed to propagate 5 new plants. I used a soilless potting mix in my propagation and my Golden Serratum is loving it. On April 2023 you can buy a medium size plant for only P500. Philodendrons are a genus of houseplants that are accustomed to tropical rainforests. In their natural habitat, these plants are exposed to highly humid environments with regular rain showers. The soil contains lots of nutrients from decaying matter. While the roots are consistently exposed to moisture, the soil is able to drain well and with enough air pockets to allow oxygen to flow through. Soilless Potting Mix is specially blended to provide these plants with an environment that mimics their natural habitat. This means loose, airy and well-draining soil, with lots of organic matter for a nutrient-rich grow media. Why use Premium Philodendron Mix? LOOSE, LIGHT AND AIRY  Th...

Philodendron Patriciae Price Update and Care Tips

Patriciae is one of the most expensive Philodendron plants that is not variegated in 2020. One large leaf costs P50,000 to P70,000. Nowadays, you can buy a plant with four to five large leaves for only P4,000. For my Philodendron plants, I used to spray Thieves, All Purpose Garden Spray to prevent spider mites and caterpillars to eat my plant leaves. Ready to Use Plant Misting Spray For Indoor Plants. Infused with Clove Bud, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon and Rosemary Essential Oils Now in new biodegradable bottles! - Misting Spray for Indoor Plants - Plant-derived Ingredients - Safe Around Kids or Pets - With Pleasant & Relaxing Aroma - Can be Used to Clean and Deodorize Surfaces - May Repel Common Insects or Bugs This plant spray is infused with these essential oils: - CLOVE BUD ESSENTIAL OIL - anti-bacterial - EUCALYPTUS ESSENTIAL OIL – anti-bacterial/ anti- viral - CINNAMON BARK ESSENTIAL OIL – anti-fungal and anti-bacterial - LEMON ESSENTIAL OIL – anti-viral and anti-bacter...

Philodendron Burle Marx Flame Price Update and Care Tips

Philodendron Burle Marx Flame has a very unique and captivating mature leaf pattern. If you have a Raphidophora Tetrasperma, the kind of care is most likely the same. The plant best thrives on a chunky soil medium. A soilless mixture of coco peat, coco cubes, pumice and vermicast is the best medium for Burle marx Flame. The price of one leaf in 2020 is P100,000 and dropped to P10,000 per leaf on the current market price. You can use home-made fertilizer like banana peel and msg on your plant since it is not a variegated plant. Place the plamt on a high humid environment wih lots of indirect sunlight.  It is better if you can provide a plant pole to let the plant crawl ad activate its aerial roots. Slow-release fertilizer like Osmocote or thermocote made from Thailand is recommended.

How to Remove Acidity of Coco Fiber before using as Plant Medium

Coco fiber is a very good medium for plants since it can hold moisture yet is easy to drain and can prevent root rot on our plants. However, coco fiber, coco cubes, or coco peat are highly acidic.  What to do to remove the acidity of coco materials? Place the medium in running water for one hour or two, then place it under the sun to dry the materials. You can repeat the process 2 to 3 times before using it as a medium. It is best to mix it with pumice and loam soil. With this kind of soil mix, you can give the plant roots a space to breathe and thrive. Coco fiber is also good for Air Layering or Marcotting.  Most gardens that are propagating Philodendron Melanochrysum use coco fiber in their propagation with a 100% success rate.

Rare Variegated and Black ZZ Plant Care Tips and Propgation

Zamioculcas zamiifolia most commonly known as "Welcome or Zz" plant has small but wide, dark green, glossy leaves that zig-zag up tall, slender stems. The plant has air purifying qualities too, removing volatile organic compounds benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene. The pice of variegated ZZ plant during the pandemic is from P2,000 to P3,000 per stem. Nowadays you can buy a variegated Zz plant for P500 per stem or P1,500 for a lush plant. Plant lovers usually place the plant in front of their door or gate to attract luck. Zz plant is one of the easiest plants to grow and propagate. Just like Sanseveiria or Snake plant it can grow on low light and direct sunlight. The plant will thrive even without watering for 20 days but susceptible to root rot when over-watered. You can propagate it directly to the soil or with water propagation. Just cut a stem and place in a small container with water or plant it in the soil. Variegated plants needs a good sunlight to maintain its...

Variegated Green Congo Price Update and Care Tips

Variegated Green Congo is one of the most expensive variegated plants in 2021 due to its scarcity. A plant with 3 to 4 leaves will cost around P200,000. In early 2022, the price dropped to P30,000 per leaf. As of this writing, you can already buy one leaf of variegated Green Congo for only P8,000. My forecast is at the end of 2023, one leaf will cost only P1,500.  Care Tips and Propagation:  Best to use a soilless medium, a mix of coco peat, coco cubes, pumice, and vermicast during propagation. Water the plant twice or thrice a week during summer and once a week only during cold weather. Place the plant in a high humid location with bright indirect sunlight. You can place it inside your house near the window where it can get enough sunlight. Still best to put it outside, in your garden. Use slow release fertilizer with 14-14-14 balance. Since it is a variegated plant, refrain from usaing Urea as fertilizer.

Rare Plants Flooding the Local Gardens, Priced Dropped

What does it mean when rare plants are flooding the local gardens. It means it is not rare anymore and the price already dropped. This is good news to all plant enthusiasts and collectors like me since the expensive plants before are now affordable. Plants that are hard to find before the pandemic are now all over the plant garden. The picture below is a river of Philodendron Pink Princess which cost P20,000 per leaf in 2020 and is now P400 for a plant with 5 leaves or more. I remember when I really wanted to buy this plant at the beginning of 2022. I saw a post in the marketplace for two small leaves for P3,000 and the seller told me it is not yet established but since it comes with a good price, I asked the seller to ship it from Mindanao to my place in Luzon. And after two weeks the plant was gone as it did not thrive. Last year, I bought my second plant for P2,000 with four big leaves already. The bottom line here, if we will wait for other rare plants like Variegated Billitiae and...

Philodendron Spiritus Sancti Price Update and Care Tips

Philodendron Spiritus Sancti was once tagged as the most expensive plant worth two million pesos during the pandemic. They said it is one of the hardest plant to propagate but I begged to disagree knowing it comes from the family of Philodendron which are easist to grow. You can just imagine if you buy this plant two years ago for P2 million pesos and now you can buy a juvenile size for only P5,000 peso. Patience is really a virtue, so I will wait a little more for about another six months and my forecast is that it will drop to P1000 by end of the year. Just like other plants, Spiritus Sancti can be grown via tissue culture so its not a surprise that it will flood our local garden soon. Care Tips and Propagation: Place your plant on ahigh humid area with lots of bright indirect sunlight. just like Philodendron Billitiae let its aerial roots be activated by pointing and resting its aerial roots to the soil. Wtaer two to three times a week during summer.  Use a loose medium like co...

Philodendron Strawberry Shake Price Update and Care Tips

Philodendron Strawberry Shake variegated is very beautiful when there's a splash of pink and yellow on its leaves. However, its variegation is prone to revert. When you saw a reverted leaf/leaves in Strawberry Shake just cut it and the new leaf when sprawl might have a good variegation again. I bought my Strawberry Shake at he last quarter of 2022 with 2 leaves and mild variegation for P16,000.  From 2020 to 2021, the price of one leaf cost range from P30,000 to P40,000. As of this writing, you can buy one leaf for P800 to P1,000 only. Care Tips and Propagation: The moment you saw a leaf/leaves that reverted, then that is the best time to cut and propagate the plant to have its variegation back both on the cuttings and the mother plant. Use a loose soil mix like coco peat and pumice with vermicast.   Philodendron Strawberry Shake is a good buy plant for rare plant collectors, especially now that it is more affordable. I am planning to grow and let my Philodendron reach 5 feet ...

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