Asia's Songbird, Regine Velasquez-Alcasid is into South Beach Diet as the mom celebrity revealed herself. During her pregnancy, Regine Velasquez, grew to a staggering 165lbs. Now that she’s back in show business after giving birth to baby Nathaniel, she’s targeting 125lbs! For most of us, this is “a giant leap for mankind” but not for Regine, who is determined to transform the extra flabs to sexy curves in time for her anniversary concert in November. Regine says she’s currently on Southbeach diet, which she said, has helped her bring her weight down by 12 lbs. Although the ideal weight for her height is 115lbs., Regine thinks that she would look “too skinny” if she’d target that weight. Instead, she decided to target 125 lbs. Now, she’s trying to lose 15lbs. in a month, but she’s taking it easy. She also admits to having a diet “cheat day,” which she said was necessary in order to “fool” her body into thinking that she has not changed her usual diet. “Kasi ang hirap yung y...