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Philodendron Patriciae Price Update and Care Tips

Patriciae is one of the most expensive Philodendron plants that is not variegated in 2020. One large leaf costs P50,000 to P70,000. Nowadays, you can buy a plant with four to five large leaves for only P4,000. For my Philodendron plants, I used to spray Thieves, All Purpose Garden Spray to prevent spider mites and caterpillars to eat my plant leaves.

Ready to Use Plant Misting Spray For Indoor Plants. Infused with Clove Bud, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon and Rosemary Essential Oils

Now in new biodegradable bottles!

- Misting Spray for Indoor Plants

- Plant-derived Ingredients

- Safe Around Kids or Pets

- With Pleasant & Relaxing Aroma

- Can be Used to Clean and Deodorize Surfaces

- May Repel Common Insects or Bugs

This plant spray is infused with these essential oils:

- CLOVE BUD ESSENTIAL OIL - anti-bacterial

- EUCALYPTUS ESSENTIAL OIL – anti-bacterial/ anti- viral

- CINNAMON BARK ESSENTIAL OIL – anti-fungal and anti-bacterial

- LEMON ESSENTIAL OIL – anti-viral and anti-bacterial

- ROSEMARY ESSENTIAL OIL – antibacterial

When combined, these oils create a powerful blend that helps prevent fungal and bacterial infection in your plants. Its strong, yet pleasant smell, also serves as deterrent for common pests, like aphids, mealy bugs, white flies, and similar soft bodied bugs.


Spray on plant leaves and stems and surrounding areas, including undersides of the leaves. Use paper tissue or cotton cloth to wipe away the dust or dirt that accumulated on the leaves. You can also use this spray as cleaner for surfaces and garden tools, or on potting media prior to sowing or transplanting.

Shake well before using. Do not dilute.

Test the spray on a small portion of your plant’s leaves and wait for 24- 48 hours for any adverse effect. This spray is ideal for use as misting spray for most houseplants that generally prefer a humid atmosphere. Use it with caution when spraying on cactus and succulents.

If you have allergies on any of these ingredients, avoid spraying on your skin and use a face mask and hand gloves for precaution.

For best results, consume within one (1) year from purchase.

Philodendron Patriciae Price Update and Care Tips

- Infused with Clove Bud, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon and Rosemary Essential Oils

- Castile Soap

- Purified Water

According to the legend, way back in 1413, the time of the infamous Bubonic Plague which devastated a large portion of France, four thieves were captured and charged for stealing from the sick and dying. Surprisingly, these thieves did not contract the disease even if they came in close contact with the victims. The judge who tried these thieves was so intrigued at how they were able to survive the plague. He told them that if they would share their secret, he would spare the thieves from the punishment of burning alive. The four thieves revealed the judge that they used these essential oils all over their body to protect them from the disease. Thus this famous blend of clove bud, rosemary, cinnamon and eucalyptus thus became known as the “Thieves Essential Oil Blend”. Over time, lemon oil was also added to provide that sweet aromatic scent that this blend is well-known for.


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