The variegated Golden Dragon is one of my wishlist plant. If you have a Florida Beauty, Variegated Bipenifolium and variegated Billitiae, the same care you applied to those plants are applicable to variegated Golden Dragon. The plant needs high humidity and lots of bright indirect sunlight in order to thrive well and maintain its variegation.
The price of Variegated Golden Dragon in 2020 is P200,000 for three medium leaves. It has the same market price with variegated Billitiae. As of March 2023, the price of one leaf variegated Golden Dragon is as low as P10,000 to P15,000 depends on the quality of its variegation.
Care Tips and Propagation:
Provide a plant pole for the plant to climb and activate its aerial roots. Water only once a week during cold weather and 2 to 3 times a week during hot summer. Use slow release fetilizer such as Osmocote 14-14-1. Cut and propgate when aerial roots becomes active already.
During propagation choose a mixture of loose medium such as pumice, coco cubes, coco peat and rice hull and make sure to use a well-draining pot to make sure it will not root rot.
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